Thursday, 20 May 2010

School Finals & Sunshine

It’s been a really nice few days here in Oxford, with the sun coming out and the temperature on the rise. It’s maybe a little taste of what is to DSC00151come! We have just had our School Finals over the last 2 days and sat through our de-briefs today, which means it’s another hurdle out of the way. These are my results:

  • Air Law – 84%
  • Mass & Balance – 100%
  • Aircraft Performance – 88%
  • Flight Planning – 96%
  • General Navigation – 91%
  • Radio Navigation – 90%
  • Operational Procedures – 85%

Overall I’m pretty pleased with my results. It was especially difficult to revise for Air Law and Ops as there are just so many numbers to remember, from Air Traffic Control separation figures to the number of fire extinguishers to be carried on board! We DSC00149have about a week and a half off now to prepare for our JAA exams, so I should have plenty of time to fill in the gaps. It really is the last push now, and I’m going to have to step up my game to get the best results I can so I never have to worry about Ground School again! 

Tuesday, 11 May 2010

Counting Down the Days

It’s been a while since my last post and that’s because it’s been a very busy couple of weeks for me. Everything has been moving pretty quickly in terms of school work, and we currently only have 2 days left of Ground School; well the classroom side of it anyway! On the left is my last ever DSC00147Ground School timetable! Our School Finals are Tuesday and Wednesday next week, and my main priority at the moment is revision for those  exams. Most subjects we have now finished, so we have had a lot more time to revise than we did for Phase 1 where we finished classes the day before exams. So far, all the practice tests I have been trying my hand at have been very positive, and I hope to get through these exams without too much of a problem, though much hard work is still needed.

We are also progressing further towards Arizona – after our trip to the US Embassy our Visas have now arrived, and we have completed all our fingerprinting which means everything is now cleared for our entry into America. Though there has been a bit of trouble with BA cabin crew strikes and the Icelandic volcano, we are all hoping that neither of those will affect our flights. It is very hard to concentrate on exams when all I want to do is start prepping for America, I have a lot of shopping to do for ‘desert’ clothes!

Mum and Dad also came up for a visit a few weekends ago which was nice. We spent a day wandering around Oxford and also found a few good places to eat in the evenings.